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School Hours 

Monday to Friday

1st, 2nd Grade9:00am-2:30pm5 days per week
3rd Grade9:00am-2:45pm3 days per week
9:00am-3:30pm2 days per week
4th through 6th Grade9:00am-2:45pm4 days per week
7th through 9th Grade9:00am-3:30pmFridays 2:45


① Curriculum

Our Biblically based, integrated curriculum provides opportunities for children to explore concepts and absorb information by learning in ways that suit their different learning styles. Our classroom life is stimulating and satisfying. We recognize that each child has their own type of intelligence. Therefore, we offer music, art, movement/dance, math, social studies, nature explorations, and science experiments as integral parts of the day. Our curriculum is designed to meet the ways that different children learn, and provide opportunities for all types of intelligences to succeed. Our curriculum includes Christian principles that will teach children social and moral skills for life.

② Bilingual Program (Japanese・English)

Our integrated curriculum is designed to ensure that each child develops both Japanese and English languages. Through studying both American and Japanese curriculum students will engage in activities where they will speak, listen, read and write in both Japanese and English. Within the school’s daily program there are specific times for only speaking Japanese or only speaking English.  During lunch and park time students are encouraged to speak naturally in both languages.  Our program provides native speaking Japanese teachers as well as native speaking English teachers who will instruct in their native language.

③ Learning Centers(English)

Learning centers play an important role in our curriculum. Learning centers are designed to provide hands-on learning that coordinates with the topic being studied. Some learning centers allow students to learn about extra topics as well.  One example is the IT center where students learn typing skills, coding skills, and various computing skills.  Learning centers have many benefits. They allow children to have autonomy to explore their interests in a positive manner. Learning centers foster self-esteem, decision making abilities, individual and group learning, as well as, focusing attention for learning. Learning centers contribute to meeting individual student’s learning styles, intelligences, and interests. This form of learning is engaging and encourages children to have a positive attitude towards learning.


Each club is held once a week. Therefore students are able to take part in each club, or students can choose their favorite club to join. Please check out our clubs below to see which ones you are interested in.

5th to 9th grade students can join this club. In Praise Band Club you can learn to play various instruments, vocal skills, and participate in an ensemble. Students are given the opportunity to try out different instruments to see what fits them best.  This club gives presentations a few times a year.

5th to 9th grade students can join this club. We practice, drill, and play games at the gymnasium near our school. Training camps are also held during long vacations.

4th to 9th Grade students can join this club. 

This club is only available to 6th to 9th grade students. In the IT Club, students work on various projects such as typing proficiency, coding, word processing, drawing, and website development to name a few.

Elementary School Graduates

Until now, elementary school graduates go on to our junior high school, public junior high schools and have enrolled in the following private junior high schools.


Junior High

  • Baika Junior High School
  • Konan Junior High School
  • Kansai University Senior High School
  • Osaka Kunei Women’s Junior High School
  • Sanda Gakuen Junior High School
  • Osaka Jogakuin Junior High School
  • Takatsuki Junior High School
  • Assumption Kokusai Junior High School
  • Hibarigaoka Gakuin Junior High School
  • Otemon Gakuin Junior High School
  • Kinrankai Junior High School
  • Mino Jiyu Gakuen Junior High School
  • Senri International School of Kwansei Gakuin Middle School
  • Koyo Gakuin High School, etc



※Our junior high school is mainly engaged in learning content aimed at helping our students advance to our sister school  Family of Faith Christian Schoolhttps://fofcs.com/) in Oklahoma, USA.

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