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Hope For Our Future


As we began a new school year for 2020, we faced many challenges.  Due to COVID-19, we had to make many adjustments as we sought to meet the needs of our students.  The school year did not begin as we had envisioned.  The first adjustment was to start two weeks later than scheduled.  After the Golden Week holiday we began with online classes for Second – Ninth grades.  Kindergarten and First grade students were able to have class as normal.  Finally, after three weeks of online classes we could all come together and resume a normal class schedule.  Of course many changes still had to be made: masks, hand sanitizer, cleaning everything multiple times a day to name a few.  We faced restrictions with not being able to go on field trips.  

However, we were so happy to see our students face to face.  We have made the most of our situation by doing special activities.  On this blog you will be able to see some of those special moments.  I am so thankful for our students’ good attitudes throughout this season.  We have been able to enjoy the simple things as we learn together.  

Before this school year began, the Lord kept bringing the verse Jeremiah 29:11 to my thoughts.  I decided to make it our key verse for this year.  Now I know why the Lord gave this verse to our school.  It says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  This Bible verse has been a promise that we are able to stand on as we have faced this challenging time.  We are thankful that God has blessed the students and school.  The students are encouraged and have hope for their future.  Even when things seem bleak in the world God is on our side.  He is able to make all things work for His good.  It is His delight and pleasure to help us and bless us.  He grants us protection and shelter in the midst of a storm.  

I continue to put my faith in the promise God gives in the Bible.  He will fill our students with hope.  He will make a smooth and straight way for their lives.  He will cause each student to prosper with peace, joy, wisdom, understanding, grace, and His favor.  As they grow and continue to learn He sets out a good future for them.  He is blessing them!

Jaycie Lawrence, Principal


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